Since I began taking clinical photographs during my residency training over 20 years ago, I have been
impressed by the virtually unlimited variation in the expression of skin disease. However, with careful
observation, clinical patterns that permit the development of a reasonable differential diagnosis emerge.
In the third edition, I have been able to use over 600 images, a quarter of which are new, to demonstrate
the diverse variations and common patterns that are fundamental to an understanding of skin eruptions
in children.
Pediatric Dermatology is designed for the pediatric and primary care provider with an interest in
dermatology and the dermatology practitioner who cares for children. The text is organized around
practical clinical problems, and most chapters end with an algorithm for developing a differential
diagnosis. This book should not be considered an encyclopedic text of pediatric dermatology; it should
be used in conjunction with the references suggested at the end of Chapter 1. Classic papers and more
recent references are included in the bibliography at the end of each chapter.
At Hopkins we have been fortunate to have oral pathologists on the dermatology faculty in the role
of teacher and consultant. With their help, the importance of recognizing oral lesions in the care of
children is reflected in a new chapter devoted to oral pathology. Although the focus of Chapter 9 is on
primary lesions of the oral mucosa, a discussion of clues of systemic disease is included. Chapter 2,
which is devoted to dermatologic disorders of newborns and infants, remains the longest chapter in the
book due to the continued blossoming of neonatology as a respected pediatric discipline. Chapter 10,
Factitional Dermatoses, concludes with several disorders that are triggered, exacerbated, or caused
primarily by external factors.
Finally, the format of the text should be user friendly. The pages and legends have been numbered in
a standard textbook fashion, and the index is again revised to include all of the disorders listed in the
text as well as the legends. The text and images incorporate advances made in diagnosis, evaluation, and
treatment during the last 6 years since the publication of the second edition. I only hope that students
of pediatric dermatology will enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing and illustrating it.