The Ninth Edition of Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology is a comprehensive textbook that fulfills the needs of today’s students while addressing the concerns of their professors. This edition was shaped by the collaboration among three experienced instructors, authors Ric Martini, Judi Nath, and Ed
Bartholomew. The Martini/Nath/Bartholomew team focused their attention on the question “How can we best make this information meaningful, manageable, and comprehensible?” During the revision process, we drew upon our content knowledge, research skills, artistic talents, and a collective 75 years of
classroom experience to make this edition the best yet. The broad changes to this edition are presented in the New to the Ninth Edition section below. Also below are the sections Terminology Changes in the Ninth Edition, Learning Outcomes, and Chapter-by-Chapter Changes in the Ninth Edition. A visual tour of the book follows in the remaining pages of the Preface.