The authors are gratified that the first edition of Autopsy Pathology was well received. Our objective in publishing a second edition remains the same as before, namely to provide a resource for those learning the art and science of postmortem examinations. Though the book is designed with the pathologist-in-training in
mind, we hope that practicing pathologists, pathology assistants, and others involved in various fields of death investigation will also find it useful. The format used in the first edition remains; however, we have strived to improve each chapter. We have added illustrations to the atlas (Chapter 15), including a new section
on forensic pathology. Dr. Andrew J. Connolly of Stanford University has contributed a succinct new chapter that covers autopsy practice in cases of sepsis and multiorgan failure, a much needed addition to a modern autopsy text. A number of individuals require acknowledgment. The support and encouragement
of Dr. Abul K. Abbas, chair of the UCSF Department of Pathology, is sincerely appreciated. Special thanks are owed to Dr. Connolly for his participation in this edition. We are indebted to Dr. Mark A. Super of the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office and Drs. Robert Anthony and Gregory Reiber of Northern California Forensic Pathology for donating key forensic images. We thank Dr. Jonathan L. Hecht of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School for allowing us to use a slightly modified version of his template for fetal examinations. Our gratitude also goes to the Elsevier staff. Here, we must
single out Ms. Andrea M. Vosburgh, developmental editor, for her singular attention to detail and many insightful suggestions that turned a manuscript into a book. Without her help, the task of revising this work would certainly have been much more difficult. Our thanks go also to our executive editor, Mr. William
Schmitt, who provided guidance through each phase of the project. We are also indebted to Megan Greiner, production editor at Graphic World Inc. for her excellent work during final production. Finally, the authors thank their families for their enduring love and support