One of Dr. Jack Lange's goals late in life was to add a pathophysiology text to the Lange series of unique basic and clinical books that have had such a great impact on health science education all over the world. Pathophysiology of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Medicine is the result, and until he died in 1999, Dr. Lange was one of its editors. The goal of this book is outlined in the introductory chapter (Chapter 1)—to introduce students to clinical medicine by reviewing the pathophysiologic basis of the symptoms and signs of various common diseases.
The book has proved useful as a text for both pathophysiology and introduction to clinical medicine courses in medical schools, and it has been popular in similar courses in nursing schools and allied health programs. It is valuable to students early in their medical school years by highlighting the clinical relevance of their basic science courses and in preparation for their USMLE Step 1 examinations. The book is also helpful to students engaged in their internal medicine and surgery clerkships and to house officers as an up-to-date summary of relevant physiology and a source of key references. Practitioners (both internists and specialists who provide generalist care) will find it beneficial as a refresher text, designed to update their knowledge of the mechanisms underlying diseases. Nurses and other allied health practitioners have found that its concise format and broad scope facilitate their understanding of basic disease entities.
Pathophysiology of Disease has been translated into Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Turkish, Albanian, Portuguese, and Indonesian.
In preparation for this sixth edition, the editors and authors reviewed the entire book. There have been many revisions aimed at updating information, improving clarity, and eliminating minor errors. References have also been updated, with emphasis on valuable reviews. “Checkpoints,” collections of review questions, continue to appear throughout the chapters.