In the Preface to the last edition of Aunt Minnie's Atlas and Imaging-Specific Diagnosis, I commented that it was “a pleasure and an honor” to be able to have a second edition at all, considering how many medical books do not survive after their “15 minutes of fame.” I also remarked that I hoped that “cases that did not make it into this (the second) edition will hopefully be the fodder for a third edition, if there is one….” Well, here we are with our third rendition, and the enthusiasm and pleasure still resonate for me and, hopefully, for all of the authors who so kindly contributed to this work. The positive comments that we heard about the second edition inspired us to create this third product, and we hope that this one will have an even better reception from our readers than the glowing reviews of our last two attempts.
I serve on the faculty of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology radiologic pathology course, and all of the residents whom I ask about the book comment on how valuable they feel it is to them in preparing for both their written and oral boards. The case discussion format and “Aunt Minnie's pearls” are what readers seem to like the best. This appreciation yet again “affirms” what Dr. Ford wrote in the preface to the first edition: “Aunt Minnie's Atlas and Imaging-Specific Diagnosis is intended as a fun and informative educational tool that exposes readers to cases that would remain perplexing to all but the initiated.”
So how is this third offering different? We invited all of the chapter authors of the second edition to participate again, but 18 of them could not commit to another responsibility, some for personal and others for professional reasons. We certainly understand and respect their decisions and wish all of them well. We also hope that they derived satisfaction in knowing that they contributed to a successful endeavor and that they will appreciate the efforts of their replacement authors. We recruited 17 new chapter coauthors, bringing the total number of contributors for this third edition to 30. All are nationally and internationally known and respected, and all have written extensively in their subspecialty field.