The first six editions of the Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics have been greeted with considerable enthusiasm. It is gratifying that such an approach to rational therapeutics has found such widespread use throughout the world, and that this information has been disseminated through several editions in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese and Taiwanese editions.
The seventh edition has been totally revised and rewritten in collaboration with many talented colleagues. Each chapter and section has undergone close scrutiny, and has been updated, revised significantly, or totally rewritten. New textual reference and tabular material has been added.
The Manual presents up-to-date information on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy of common cutaneous disorders. Diagnostic procedures and surgical and photobiologic techniques are explained in both theoretical and practical terms. The pharmacology and optimal use of dermatologic medication are discussed in detail.
The first portion of the Manual is organized so that a disease is defined initially and its pathophysiology is discussed according to the problem-oriented record system. Each disease is then subdivided into subjective data (symptoms), objective data (clinical findings), assessment, and therapy sections. A sequence of therapeutic interventions and alternative approaches to treatment is emphasized. The remainder of the text is concerned with procedures, techniques, treatment principles, and discussion of the pharmacodynamics, and usage of specific medications employed in treating cutaneous disease.
We hope that the seventh edition of the Manual is as helpful an educational and practical guide to therapeutics and disease management as the previous six have been.