Fifteen years have passed since the first edition of Essential Clinical Anatomy was published. As in the previous three editions,
the main aim of the fourth edition is to provide a compact yet thorough textbook of clinical anatomy for students and
practitioners in the health care professions and related disciplines. We have made the book even more student friendly. The
Provide a basic text of human clinical anatomy for use in current health sciences curricula;
Present an appropriate amount of clinically relevant anatomical material in a readable and interesting form;
Place emphasis on clinical anatomy that is important for practice;
Provide a concise clinically oriented anatomical overview for clinical courses in subsequent years;
Serve as a rapid review when preparing for examinations, particularly those prepared by the National Board of Medical
Examiners; and
Offer enough information for those wishing to refresh their knowledge of clinical anatomy.
This edition has been thoroughly revised keeping in mind the many invaluable comments received from students, colleagues,
and reviewers. The key features include:
Revised text with a stronger clinical orientation.
A number of new illustrations have been created, and many existing illustrations have been revised, re-colored, and
resized. Most illustrations are in full color and designed to highlight important facts and show their relationship to
clinical medicine and surgery. A great effort has been made to further improve clarity of labeling, to place illustrations
on the pages being viewed as the illustrations are cited in the text, and to eliminate disruptions in the continuity of the
running text.
More illustrated clinical correlations, known as “blue boxes,” have been included to help with the understanding of the
practical value of anatomy. In response to our readers' suggestions, the blue boxes have been grouped. They are also
classified by the following icons to indicate the type of clinical information covered:
Anatomical variat ions icon. These blue boxes feature anatomical variations that may be encountered in the dissection
lab or in practice, emphasizing the clinical importance of awareness of such variations.
Life cycle icon. These blue boxes emphasize prenatal developmental factors that affect postnatal anatomy and anatomical
phenomena specifically associated with stages of life—childhood, adolescence, adult, and advanced age.
Trauma icon. The effect of traumatic events—such as fractures of bones or dislocations of joints—on normal anatomy and
the clinical manifestations and dysfunction resulting from such injuries are featured in these blue boxes.
Diagnost ic procedures icon. Anatomical features and observations that play a role in physical diagnosis are targeted in
these blue boxes.
Surgical procedures icon. These blue boxes address such topics as the anatomical basis of surgical procedures, such
as the planning of incisions and the anatomical basis of regional anesthesia.
Pathology icon. The effect of disease on normal anatomy, such as cancer of the breast, and anatomical structures or
principles involved in the confinement or dissemination of disease within the body are the types of topics covered in these blue
Surface anatomy is integrated into the chapter at the time each region is being discussed to demonstrate the
relationship between anatomy and physical examination, diagnosis, and clinical procedures.
Medical images (radiographic, CT, MRI, and ultrasonography studies) have been included, often with correlative
illustrations. Current diagnostic imaging techniques demonstrate anatomy as it is often viewed clinically.
Case studies accompanied by clinico-anatomical problems and USMLE-style multiple-choice questions. Interactive
case studies and multiple-choice questions are available to our readers online at http://thePoint.lww. com/ECA4e,
providing a convenient and comprehensive means of selftesting and review.
Instructor's resources and supplemental materials, including images exportable for Power Point presentation, are
available through http://thePoint.lww.com/ECA4e.
The terminology adheres to the Terminologica Anatomica (1998) approved by the International Federation of Anatomists
(IFAA). The official English-equivalent terms are used throughout the present edition. When new terms are introduced,
however, the Latin forms as used in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world appear in parentheses. The roots and derivation
of terms are included to help students understand the meaning of the terminology. Eponyms, although not endorsed by the
IFAA, appear in parentheses to assist students during their clinical studies.
The parent of this book, Clinically Oriented Anatomy (COA), is recommended as a resource for more detailed descriptions of
human anatomy and its relationship and importance to medicine and surgery. It is a pleasure to welcome Arthur F. Dalley II to
or team of authors. Essential Clinical Anatomy, in addition to its own unique illustrations and manuscript, has utilized from the
outset materials from Clinically Oriented Anatomy and Grant's Atlas. Arthur's expertise, extensive knowledge of clinical
anatomy, and innovative eaching methods have enhanced this, the fourth edition of Essential Clinical Anatomy.
We again welcome your comments and suggestions for improvements in future editions.
Keith L. Moore
University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine
Anne M.R. Agur
University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine
Arthur F. Dalley II
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine