colour format. This endeavour has enhanced the lucidity of the figures and overall aesthetics of the
book. The fast-developing advances in the field of medical sciences and technology has beset the presentday
medical students with voluminous university curriculae. Keeping in view the need of the students
for a ready-made material for their practical examinations and various postgraduate entrance tests,
the book has been expanded into two sections and is accompanied with ‘Review of Ophthalmology’
as a pocket companion, and converted into a comprehensive book.
Section 1: Anatomy, Physiology and Diseases of the Eye. This part of the book includes 20
chapters, 1 each on Anatomy and Physiology of Eye and rest 18 on diseases of the different structures
of the eye.
Section II: Practical Ophthalmology. This section includes chapter on ‘Clinical Methods in
Ophthalmology’ and different other aspects essential to the practical examinations viz. Clinical
Ophthalmic Cases, Darkroom Procedures, and Ophthalmic Instruments.
Review of Ophthalmology: Quick Text Review and Multiple-Choice Questions. This pocket
companion provides an indepth revision of the subject at a glance and an opportunity of self-assessment,
and thus makes it the book of choice for preparing for the various postgraduate entrance examinations