The 19th edition of Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics (CDTP) features practical, up-to-date, well-referenced information on the care of children from birth through infancy and adolescence. CDTP emphasizes the clinical aspects of pediatric care while also covering important underlying principles. CDTP provides a guide to diagnosis, understanding, and treatment of the medical problems of all pediatric patients in an easy-to-use and readable format. INTENDED AUDIENCE Like all Lange medical books, CDTP provides a concise yet comprehensive source of current information. Students will find CDTP an authoritative introduction to pediatrics and an excellent source for reference and review. CDTP provides excellent coverage of The Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP) curriculum used in pediatric clerkships. Residents in pediatrics (and other specialties) will appreciate the detailed descriptions of diseases as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Pediatricians, family practitioners, nurses and nurse practitioners, and other health-care providers who work with infants and children will find CDTP a useful reference on management aspects of pediatric medicine.