Smith̢۪s General Urology, 16th Edition, provides in a concise format the information necessary for the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases managed by urologic surgeons. Our goal has been to keep the book current, to the point, and readable. Medical students will find this book useful because of its concise, easy-to-follow format and organization and its breadth of information. Interns and residents, as well as practicing physicians in urology or general medicine, will find it an efficient and current reference, particularly because of its emphasis on diagnosis and treatment. The 16th edition is a thorough revision of the book. No new chapters have been added. However, three chapters were completely rewritten by new authors: Chapter 13: Bacterial Infections of the Genitourinary Tract, Hiep T. Nguyen, MD; Chapter 29: Disorders of the Adrenal Glands, Christopher J. Kane, MD; and Chapter 41: Abnormalities of Sexual Determination & Differentiation, Laurence S. Baskin, MD. The total number of chapters has been reduced to 43, as we eliminated one chapter (Urologic Laser Surgery) and incorporated six others in related chapters. To these, and to all our ongoing contributors, we are deeply indebted. The book has been reviewed and updated throughout, with emphasis on current references. The several hundred illustrations have been further modernized and improved, including many fine anatomic drawings and the latest imaging techniques. Since the 11th Edition, the following translations have been published: Chinese, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. We greatly appreciate the assistance of our sponsoring editor, Janet Foltin, and Development Editor, Janene Matragrano Oransky, whose expertise and patience have been instrumental in bringing this edition to completion. Emil A. Tanagho, MD Jack W. McAninch, MD San Francisco October 2003 |