The goal of the Oxford American Handbook of Urology is to create a concise source of clinical information for medical students and physicians in training. This Handbook primarily presents the nonsurgical aspects of urology— the information needed for making a rapid diagnosis and determining the proper initial treatment course amid the confi nes of a busy clinical practice. It is meant to be a practical pocket reference, not an exhaustive treatise on urology. As we witness the rapid pace of advancement in urological surgery, it
becomes ever more diffi cult for any urologist to stay current in all areas of our specialty. The Handbook aims to provide the reader with an effi cient information source that will be helpful in guiding effective management of our growing population of urological patients. The book is written for our patients, with appreciation for the many mentors from whom we have learned, and for the many students and residents we have been fortunate to train. It is adapted for the American practice of urology from the Oxford Handbook of Urology, published in the UK, and we thank John Reynard, Simon Brewster, and Suzanne Biers for
their fi ne book and the opportunity to “Americanize” it. We dedicate this book to our colleague and friend, John P. Stein, M.D., whose untimely death has left a large void in our specialty. He was an accomplished clinician, researcher, and teacher who will be sorely missed.
Allen F. Morey, M.D.
Leonard G. Gomella, M.D.