The many musculoskeletal dilemmas faced by the health care
practitioner on a daily basis challenge the caregiver to provide
the most appropriate therapeutic intervention. Advances in
medical research have stuffed the practitioner’s medicine bag
with a myriad of treatment options. As a result, statistically
significant successful outcomes continue to increase in
frequency. The new millennium has brought heightened public
attention to and awareness of physical fitness and general wellbeing.
Many are increasingly diet conscious, others pay close
attention to workout schedules, and the majority of people
enjoy a lengthened life expectancy.
Apace with the fitness craze, the medical profession continues
to see a rise in musculoskeletal injuries. Although most—such
as sprains and strains—are minor, others are more significant,
including fractures and head injuries. The common denominator
in evaluating and treating these maladies is the establishment of
a clear and precise working diagnosis. When the health care
practitioner has resources available to derive the working
diagnosis, the ensuing work-up is simplified.
The Pocket Guide to Musculoskeletal Diagnosis is just such
a resource. Author Grant Cooper has systematically written a
practical guide to assist the medical clinician in establishing a
working diagnosis, and he offers appropriate work-up and treatment
options for many musculoskeletal ailments. The guide is
sectioned by body region and maintains superb clarity, consistency,
and organization in its writing. This comprehensive guide
allows the busy practitioner to have at hand a resource that raises
awareness not only of specific diagnoses, but also associated
maladies inclusive in the differential diagnosis.
This guide is one I will recommend not only to young
physicians in training, but also to my peers and colleagues.
Robert S. Gotlin, DO
Director, Orthopaedic & Sports Rehabilitation
Director, Sports and Spine Rehabilitation Fellowship Program
Beth Israel Medical Center
New York, NY