Clinical skills exams, such as Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), are a daunting but essential component of medical undergraduate education. To prepare for these exams, our generation of medical students had to pull together vast amounts of information from maladapted resources. This tedious and time· consuming process can now be avoided, as all this information has been compiled into
this one, handy book. Indeed, this book covers all the clinical skills that are likely to be tested during the
clinical years of a medical course. Although il aims to be comprehensive and detailed, its primary purpose is to be easy to read and to the point. Clinical Skills for OSCEs does not attempt to teach its reader medicine or surgery, but rather gathers and organises a large amount of information and presents it in a structured and memorable fashion. We hope you find Clinical Skills for OSCEs useful both for your revision and for the
consolidation of skills learnt at the patient's bedside. Neell Burton
Akbar H de' Medici
Nicholas C Stacey
london, August 2002