The Manual of the Sixteenth Edition of Ballenger’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery provides a new approach to the development and maintenance of competency in the field. It presents synopses of 46 of the chapters in the main book that address clinical problems, and provides a handy, easily portable source of clinical knowledge emphasizing diagnosis and therapeutic management. Each synopsis is accompanied in the CD-ROM version by a group of multiplechoice examination items to allow the reader to assess his or her comprehension of the subject matter. Each examination item has a teaching commentary that indicates why the best response is favored and includes teaching points relevant to the subject matter of the examination item. The format is based on the educational concepts of immediate review and analysis of comprehension. The process has the important added benefit of giving the participant a prompt reinforcement of what the author(s) consider important. It gives the participant an opportunity to review the contents with a new
perspective of the author’s orientation and emphasis.