Thi5 is oot a 'What to do' book. [I aims to be a 'How to do it' book. explain ing the man ipu 1M ions
required 10 carry out the indi vidual steps that are common to most operations. It is not primarily
intended to deseri he spec ifie proced ures bu t to demonstrate the fact that mallY of the technical
skills you acquire in onc :lrca can be applied widely. However, 1 have used as exampJe~ the
mampu lati ve sk ills required for some life-saving or frequently performed procedures without trying
to describe the indicutions, prepnralion. difficulties :md pOSLOperative care. These mailers are
discussed in Geneml Sun::i«l! Operations and Essenlial General Surgica! Operatiolls. also
published by Churchill Livingstone. Although I wish to describe only the practical skIll aspecls here, I have include enough infonnation to place practical ski lis in context.