Essentials of Psychiatry is a synopsis of the 2400 page Psychiatry Second Edition also published by John Wiley and Sons. Psychiatry has received exceptional reviews in the leading medical and psychiatric journals within the United States and abroad. Essentials of Psychiatry provides a broad overview to clinical psychiatry for beginning psychiatry residents, nonpsychiatric physicians, medical students, and people working in related mental health disciplines such as psychology, social work, psychiatric nursing
and counseling. We hope that family members of patients may fi nd this abbreviated text accessible and helpful as well. Essentials of Psychiatry differs from the comprehensive two-volume text in
that it does not include such an extensive discussion of the neural and social sciences that underlie the practice of psychiatry. The 112 chapters by more than 270 authors of the Psychiatry Second Edition have been condensed by approximately 50% for this new book. All chapters have been updated to include the
latest advances in psychopharmacology, psychopathology and psychosocial treatment. Clinical vignettes, as well as DSM-IVTM and ICD 10 related material, have been retained from the original book to preserve an international scope. As indicated in the initial chapters of the Essentials, we have also maintained the focus
on the centrality of the doctor–patient relationship. The challenge of condensing a text as large as Psychiatry