Andrews’ remains as it was from the beginning: an authored text whose one volume is filled with clinical signs, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic pearls. The authors have remained general clinical dermatologists in an era of subspecialists in academia. They are committed to keeping Andrews’ as an excellent tool for anyone who needs help in diagnosing a patient with a clinical conundrum or treating a patient with a therapeutically challenging disease. Andrews’ is primarily intended for the practicing dermatologist. It is meant to be used on the desktop at his or her clinic, giving consistent, concise advice on the whole gamut of clinical situations faced in the course of a busy workday. While we
have been true to our commitment to a single-volume work, we provide our text in a convenient online format as well. Because of its relative brevity but complete coverage of our field, many find the text ideal for learning dermatology the first time. It has been a mainstay of the resident yearly curriculum
for many programs. We are hopeful that trainees will learn clinical dermatology by studying the clinical descriptions, disease classifications, and treatment insights that define Andrews’. We believe that students, interns, internists or other medical specialists, family practitioners, and other health professionals who desire a comprehensive dermatology textbook will find that ours meets their needs. Long-time dermatologists will hopefully discover Andrews’ to be the needed update that satisfies their lifelong learning desires. On our collective trips around the world, we have been gratified to see our international colleagues studying Andrews’. Several thousand books have been purchased by Chinese and Brazilian dermatologists