Hello, nursing students! My name is Marlene Hurst,
President and owner of Hurst Review Services and
author of this book. Hurst Review Services, which is
based in Brookhaven,Mississippi, opened its doors in
1988 when I began my new teaching job at a major
university. As I began to teach nursing students,
I quickly realized how much additional help they
needed while in nursing school. Actually, I figured
that out during my days as a nursing student, but at
that time I just assumed that I was the only one
struggling to survive nursing school! Today, my
passion to help nursing students is just as strong as
it ever was. Every time a struggling nursing student
calls, emails, or visits me in my office, I still get just
as fired up to help them as I did when I first started
teaching! There is no better feeling than to help
someone achieve their goal of becoming a nurse!
I pray that every single person I help will go and help
another nursing student. I certainly have had my
share of help! When you become an experienced
nurse, I hope you will help another new nurse and
answer their endless questions happily! I’ll never
forget my first preceptor, Mrs. Ann Hilton. I know
she got so tired of me saying,“Miss Ann”! If it were
not for somebody like Miss Ann, I know I would
have not stayed in nursing and certainly would not
be writing a Pathophysiology book!
I love to make difficult nursing concepts fun and
easy to understand! I believe that if students are
relaxed, they will learn and retain more information.
I’ve always said that nursing isn’t meant to be difficult:
it’s meant to be understood! My specialty is guiding
students to a true understanding of the “why” behind
nursing content. The more “why’s” you understand,
the more your application and critical thinking skills
will improve and then your test scores are going to go
up! YES! Knowing “why” is the key! You will see as
you read different content areas what I mean. I hope
you find this book easy and fun to read. At the same
time, I hope your study time is significantly
I hope that this book helps you to achieve your
dream and makes your life a little easier in the
process. If I can point out what you need to focus
on as you go through Med-Surg; help you develop
a true understanding; save some time; and decrease
some of your stress . . . then my goal has been
I would love to hear from you. You may visit me at
www.hurstreview.com to say “hello” or to learn more
about what we have available to help you. I hope you
like my work because I’m already working on many
more items to come. Spread the word!
Best of Luck,
Marlene Hurst
President, Hurst Review Services