The eleventh edition of Basic Histology continues to be a concise, well-illustrated exposition of the basic facts and interpretation of microscopic anatomy. The authors of this text recognize that students of biologic structure share a common goal, namely, to better understand how structure and function are integrated into the molecules, cells, tissues, and organs of a living creature. Histology is the branch of science that centers on the biology of cells and tissues within an organism and, as such, serves as the foundation on which pathology and pathophysiology are built. In this edition, we continue to emphasize the relationships and concepts that inextricably link cell and tissue structure with their functions as they constitute the fabric of a living organism.
In revising Basic Histology, our intent is to provide our readers with the most contemporary and useful text possible. We do this in two ways: by describing the most important recent developments in the sciences basic to histology and by recognizing that our readers are faced with the task of learning an ever-increasing number of facts in an ever-decreasing period of time. Because of this, every attempt has been made to present the information as concisely as possible and organize it in a way that facilitates learning.